Universal Screening & GATE Identification

Annually the Education Services Department hosts a Universal Screening Parent Presentation, giving parents and guardians the opportunity to learn about the GATE screening and identification process.  If you were unable to make this year's presentation, you can download the presentation and all handouts below.  


Universal Screening Parent Presentation

Monday, October 28, 2019

District Office Training Room 

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Universal Screening Presentation Flyer


Presentation Handouts

Grade 3 Initial Screening Form (TIER 1)

Grades 4-5 Initial Screening Form (TIER 1)

Grades 3-5 Multiple Measures Form (TIER II)

Grades 6-7 Multiple Measures Form (TIER II)

Grade 6 Honors ELA Placement Rubric 

Secondary Mathematics Pathways


Process of Screening/Identification

The Los Alamitos Unified School District uses a TWO-TIER Screening Model.  Screening forms are used when considering third through seventh grade students for identification. The screening forms assist school personnel and parents in focusing on the specific criteria used to establish identification.  Additionally, these forms ensure that the identification process is comprehensive and equitable for all students.   Before completing the forms, teachers are trained at the school site, in addition to the five-month process being overseen by a site GATE coordinator and the Director of Assessment & Accountability. 

The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is scheduled at each school site within the months of January and February. When the OLSAT results are returned, the GATE Identification Committee meets to review all student data.  The committee is comprised of all eight site coordinators and the Director of Assessment & Accountability. The committee reviews supportive evidence, such as written examples of the student's work, achievement records, and standardized achievement scores and completes all necessary screening rubrics to determine qualification outcomes.  If the results of private testing are available, these assessments are also considered as a piece of evidence, not as automatic identification.  The identification is based on the rubrics from TIER I or TIER II screening protocols.  For access to all rubrics and more information on the TWO-TIER screening protocols please access the Universal Screening Presentation.  


Screening of Third Through Seventh Grade Students

OLSAT Assessment Window (January – February)

Identification Screening Window (January – May)

All students in the third grade are screened, with parental consent, for GATE identification as part of the district's universal screening program. During Fall Parent-Teacher conferences parents/guardian can give written consent to have their student to take the OLSAT.  The Los Alamitos USD recognizes GATE identification beginning in fourth grade. 

Students in grades four through seven can be screened annually by teacher or parental request.  

Site GATE Coordinators & OLSAT Administration Dates

3rd Grade – During the School

4th-7th– After School


McGaugh Elementary School

Coordinator: Wendy Wood (wwood@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Hopkinson Elementary School

Coordinator: Noreen Curry (ncurry@losal.org) and Rachel Metcalfe (rmetcalfe@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Weaver Elementary School

Coordinator: Traci French (tfrench@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Rossmoor Elementary School

Coordinator: Debbie Segal (dsegal@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Lee Elementary School

Coordinators: Leslie Avery (lavery@losal.org) & Becky Schumacher (bschumacher@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Los Alamitos Elementary School

Coordinator: Rick Larson (rlarson@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


Oak Middle School

Coordinator: Allen Mendrin (amendrin@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD

OLSAT Administration: TBD


McAuliffe Middle School

Coordinator: Cara Vienna (cviennea@losal.org)

OLSAT Practice Test: TBD (After School)

OLSAT Administration: TBD (After School)


For additional information please contact Melissa Davis, Director of Assessment & Accountability, mdavis@losal.org, (562) 799-4700 ext. 80462.